Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

The Art of Swimming

Whenever I say I want to swim, there are only two reasons: too lazy to move my lazy ass to do any other exercise or to fix my broken feelings.


Here's the thing. I usually swim in the morning, on the weekend, holidays, or any possible day I could wake up early beside my college schedule. It means I come to the pool after some long days or stressful month.

Back then I almost drowned on this f*ckin sport subject test in a very dirty local swimming pool and for a split second I thought "ok this is the end" but then I survived, can't remember why, seems like I could finally control my thoughts.

Not for a long time until I encouraged myself to swim again, but with an exception this time. Since then, the urge to fight back my fear is something that..soothed me. Holding breath beneath the water is also a moment of realization that we must be grateful that we could easily breath above the water and that we have been given this life no mater how chaos you think it is.

To be able to swim, you must believe that you can, so you force your mind to think straight and to remain calm or else you will feel that "the end" part once more. I usually mute any other thoughts and say some positive mantra. Either you feel it or not, but it pushes the negativity away from our mind.

The aftermath is what important for me. It brings you the new spirit to live your life gratefully and happier.

So whenever my heart feels broken and my brain couldn't handle it, swimming is the antidote.

Mungkin untuk Sedikit Penjelasan

Ada beberapa kesedihan yang dapat terlihat indah
ada kala nya, kesedihan ya apa adanya
bikin sakit,
bikin kecewa,
bikin marah.
dan hal-hal itu, cuma bisa dilihat saat kesedihannya udah pergi
entah subjeknya
atau objeknya.
terus, kenapa kesedihan-kesedihan itu ga diubah jadi sesuatu yang positif aja?

karena manusia diciptakan berbeda-beda,
ada aja orang yang gampang sedih
tapi ya gampang ketawa lagi
dan kadang,
dari kesedihan-kesedihan itu
mereka hidup
benar-benar hidup.